Box Model Exercise

In this exercise you'll practice using CSS selectors. For reference, see Duckett chapter 10.

To do:

  1. Make the color of all the text dark gray.
  2. Make the h3s a nice red.
  3. Make the h3s with class list-header a nice blue and give them a border bottom.
  4. Make all the list items 9px.
  5. Make all the list items with class important bold.
  6. Give a border bottom to the list item with class important that's inside the list with id places-to-go.

Know Before You Go:

This is what Bermuda is like:

Proin vel pretium nibh. Suspendisse magna velit, tincidunt vitae pellentesque eu, tincidunt ut felis. Vivamus faucibus vel nibh sit amet imperdiet. Nulla aliquet condimentum rhoncus. Nam sit amet accumsan ipsum. Ut in pharetra magna. In mollis metus in tellus efficitur maximus. Donec sit amet odio feugiat, molestie nisi vel, dictum nisi. Phasellus lorem eros, congue vel imperdiet sit amet, porttitor in nunc. Donec vestibulum tincidunt auctor. Nulla facilisi.

Places to Go: